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VIRTUAL Community Forum: Public Review of Conceptual Plans for New Clifton Branch Library In-Person

This is the second of two virtual community forums for residents of the Clifton and Fruitvale communities to review conceptual designs for the proposed new Clifton Branch Library. This forum is scheduled for 2-3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 5, on the Zoom online meeting platform.

Topic: Community Forum
Time: Dec 5, 2020 02:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 897 4053 0401
Passcode: 534683
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The forums will present information about the project and the conceptual designs, and the public will be invited to comment online about the plans. Feedback from the forums will be used to refine the eventual final design of the facility.

Mesa County Libraries plan to build a new Clifton Branch on five acres of vacant land at 3180 F Road, on the north side of F Road approximately 0.2 miles east of Mount Garfield Greenhouse and Nursery.

The new branch – tentatively planned to be approximately 20,000 square feet – would replace the current Clifton Branch, which occupies 5,400 square feet of leased space in a shopping center. A tentative timeline for the project estimates that construction will begin in March 2022.

Clifton is the second-busiest library location in Mesa County, second only to the Central Library in downtown Grand Junction. The branch serves a population of approximately 20,000 residents in the east end of the Grand Valley.

Preliminary library designs have been prepared by the University Technical Assistance (UTA) program at the University of Colorado Denver. Working with the Colorado Department of Local Affairs, the UTA program provides technical design assistance for public improvement projects in rural communities. The conceptual designs incorporate feedback gathered from the Clifton and Fruitvale communities during a series of public meetings in fall 2019. Those meetings focused on needs of the community that a new library may be able to meet. More information about the Clifton Branch Project is available here.

Saturday, December 5, 2020
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Time Zone:
Mountain Time - US & Canada (change)

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